Coldplay - Music Of The Spheres - 2022

The focus of a significant engineering effort, four separate systems have been devised by STAGECO for what is one of today’s few genuinely extensive world tours. Two systems have travelled around Europe while, to avoid shipping across the Atlantic, the other two have been based in the United States. Each system is contained within 15 trucks and includes the materials to build each iconic part of the scenery, including the stunning Moonrise Arch. Appearing behind the band, this very specific item relies on STAGECO’s own distinctive scaffolding equipment. On-site, STAGECO’s crew –headed by Johan ‘Bellekes’ Van Espen, Stefaan Van Den Bossche and, in America only, Marco Pieter Van De Panne – build a 50m upstage arc, two23m high, 12-tonne ‘pylons’ atleft and right to support video screens, and a pair of custom sound towers, each with a large cantilever, that were designed in collaboration with Coldplay’s head of audio.